The large input caps block the other components from view but you can see how small this whole amp is. Smaller input caps could have been used but I wanted to use locally available metal film polypropylene caps. The original cct. uses .22uf but on a friend's suggestion I use .47uf. Even the power caps (330uf low ESR) fit on the brd. It could not be more compact if you tried.
Computer style adhesive stand-offs with rubber grommets provide easy and removable mounting. The inside of the box is lined with sticky bitumen coated aluminium thick foil. The amp is dead quiet when listening so all the trouble I went to to shield the cct. from RFI etc. was successful. A very satisfying and easy project. And no big PSs or high voltage to scare off the novice. In timber or tin this project was very successful.
Computer style adhesive stand-offs with rubber grommets provide easy and removable mounting. The inside of the box is lined with sticky bitumen coated aluminium thick foil. The amp is dead quiet when listening so all the trouble I went to to shield the cct. from RFI etc. was successful. A very satisfying and easy project. And no big PSs or high voltage to scare off the novice. In timber or tin this project was very successful.