From my first meeting with the Melbourne Audio Club I got into one of the break-out group meetings. This one was held at a member's house and it was to show off his new
Millennia amp. This is a solid state discrete component power amp capable of 120W. All
equipment here is
DIY except for the unusual speakers which have also been modified. A BBQ and some drinks stated the afternoon but soon the gear was warmed up and the music started. All music is played from hard drive and controlled from within
iTunes and operated from the owners comfy chair. There is way too much very specialised gear here to go into but
basically from media center to valve preamp and then the
millennia power amp. The sound was
excellent and all who
attend commented on the beautiful balance of
components. The builder hadb an exceptional eye for detail. The
Millennia was a work or art both
aesthetically and auditory.